Welcome to your dashboard!


The dashboard is the home page of your web and mobile app.  


Overview of the dashboard

The dashboard appears differently between our web and mobile apps.

Web app

On the web app, your dashboard will load your Orders page on the active orders tab.


The top bar


Features from left to right:

  • QuoteToMe logo: Brings you back to the dashboard.
  • Get Quotes: Complete a form to submit a Request for Quotes (RFQ) to your favourite suppliers.
  • Create PO: Want more control? Create a PO manually with the option of sending it to the supplier.
  • Profile icon: Edit your profile information.


On the mobile app, your dashboard will present you with actions or pages to choose from. 

Depending on your user permissions, different actions may be visible or hidden. 


The navigation drawer

Features from left to right:

  • Get Quotes: Complete a form to submit a Request for Quotes (RFQ) to your favourite suppliers.
  • In-Store PO: Need to pick it up? Create a PO manually with the option of sending it to accounting immediately, or once you return to the site.
  • Orders: View & edit all Purchase Orders for your project(s).
  • Hamburger Icon: Opens the navigation drawer.



Return to the dashboard 

Return to the dashboard from anywhere in the app.

On the web app: Click on the QuoteToMe logo in the top-left corner.

On the mobile app: Tap the hamburger icon on the bottom left, then select Home from the drawer.




Read Orders Page Overview





Need help?

There are three ways to reach our Customer Success team: