This is a web-only feature and cannot be completed on the mobile app. It is only accessible by Administrators.


To allow your users to utilize the Call A Supplier feature on the mobile app, specific suppliers must be set for this feature.

How to Edit Your Call a Supplier List

Step 1: Navigate to your Suppliers from the left navigation bar.

Step 2: Find the Supplier

  • Use the search bar to locate the supplier by name.

  • If the supplier is not found in the database:

    • Click "Not Here? Create New" under the search bar.

    • Fill in the supplier's details and create a new supplier.

Step 4: Select a Sales Representative

*This is essential to allow users to find the supplier in Call A Supplier feature, as it relies on having at least one preferred contact selected. The system will warn if no contact is selected:

  • Choose your company's preferred sales representative(s) from the available list.

  • If necessary, add a new sales representative.

Step 5: Finalize

  • Once the sales representative is added and selected as preferred, the supplier will be immediately available in Call a Supplier.

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